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Does anyone know where to get touchup paint for the IS? I'd imagine the Dealers would have some but yeh, how much do they go for?

There is a chip just under the fender that i need to touchup before too long.

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Does anyone know where to get touchup paint for the IS? I'd imagine the Dealers would have some but yeh, how much do they go for?

There is a chip just under the fender that i need to touchup before too long.

You should have got a little tin when you purchased your car.

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My car came with a small tin in the glove box. But I am pretty sure places like super cheap auto, autobarn and auto one sell tins or touch up pens. Or you could call a smash repairer and ask how much for them to mix you a small tin.

Good Luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

I havent had the chance to go to the dealers yet, have had two appointment cancellation due to work.

I was thinking of going to Repco, do they have and sell oem paint?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ive done some touch ups - some have worked out excellent - some still need some more cutting back. I use an ordinary cotton bud - dab onto the spot very delicately until the spot in question is slight raised above the surrounding duco. Then get a hair dryer on low heat and speed for about a few minutes, but not any longer. You dont want the paint to completely cure. Then half an hour later, I go over the spot with a light cutting agent and cut back the newly applied paint, until it matches the height of the surrounding original paint. As you are cutting new paint which is 'higher' than the surrounding duco, the cutting action (if applied correctly) will not interfere with the original duco.

Yes this sounds a little risky, and of course its never going to be as good - but this method has worked very well for me on a couple of spots that Ive done. The trick is getting the paint level right and start to cut it back before it completely cures. On the other hand, if you have a good dealer, they may do it for you at your next service!!

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Thanks Saphhire, but i just dab it with the cotton bud and left it, was only wanting to cover the spot from being exposed and potentially get rusted.

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