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Everything posted by bazzle

  1. My take would be it uses thinner glass and less soundproofing than the IS model you had before.
  2. Somethings plugs in............😂 Do you have a Handbook?
  3. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y9AyUvk4Pw6y30A2rFPZY4cOhWesRKK4 I burnt to an DVD-R DL (Dual Layer.) Works a treat so far (1 day) in my Is350 2012 EDIT: See my post 5 more down this page for single DVD with OZ only maps. Hit thanks if it is ok 🙂
  4. If you get one look for a carbon impregnated like this. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Cabin-Filter-Suits-TOYOTA-87139-07010-CF178/223598792965?hash=item340f86d105:g:9BYAAOSwRgJXiH~4&frcectupt=true
  5. How are the mounts at both ends? Get someone to rock car side to side whilst you hold hand over mounts. Also did you only fully tighten mounts after load was on car?
  6. Nearly always battery. Get a load test and a charging test at a Battery shop to confirm.
  7. Does your have the standard Lexus interface or the igo mapping interface. If latter then it uses an SD card not dvd. Difference can be seen at the very bottom of this page. http://www.navigationau.com/toyota-lexus-navigation-disks.html
  8. Just replace the shocks with a known brand unless you want to fiddle and adjust. Its not always as easy as some think. To keep balance with coil overs or complete sport suspension its advisable to replace all around.
  9. Agree. Before you remove/replace filter read online or in Handbook on how to set Heater controls 1st or you may damage recirc flap.
  10. Is it all the time or when the AC is/ fan is on? For carpet get down there and sniff under edge to confirm.
  11. I dont think it would get anywhere near that. I was just quoting worse case , racetrack style :) As you can see from the other above posts generally on cruising they are pretty good.
  12. These links "may" be helpful https://at-manuals.com/manuals/a340-a341-a343/ https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHWA_en-GBAU831AU831&q=A341+Transmission+manual&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJ8eWz4vDmAhUc6nMBHZSpAkkQsAR6BAgFEAE
  13. Cruising on freeway at 100kph Ive seen 7.5. General mix about 10 Short trips around town 14 with a few spurts :)
  14. Bit hard for Aussies to go to Florida. 😱
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