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I only saw a few R35s to date, and to be honest with you the ones i saw, its drivers are like bold headed guys and or look like they are in their 40s...ie company managers or something. Have not seen a young driver yet. Evos and Sti, there are alot of young owners about....non of whom looks to be over 30 y.o :D

As for the IS200, other than the high kms and history of the car, I'd buy it if i have 17K and look to spend 5K on essential mods...hectic first car if you know what i mean.

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yeh, i ve seen a few R35's youngest guy i saw looked round 25. or so, with his GF

my cousin was driving and we tried to get a closer look at my dream car, but the guy just blasted down rose bay, and we couldn't follow him, damn thats one FAST car

ive seen LOTS of evos and STi's with guys that are in their 20's and also 200SX's aswell

and with the IS200, the one his looking at is $12,000 and done like 160,000km's

that quite a lot, but i think as long as he gets it serviced regularly it should be fine, we drove our RX330 to 120,000km's and had no major problems

plus we're 17, and can live with a few scratches here and there, lol

our plans for the car are at first is just a new sound system and head unit, and maybe an exhaust

will take it to a few shops after i get my resonator and muffler delete

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Not meaning to say you can or can't talk about it in the Hitler ways. I meant it from a mature way. 17s and thinking about R35 Evo 10 etc is abit like 18 and joining QSR cruise club. :D

Ok so i have my 250 for 3.5 years now, told myself from day one i leave it stock to when it's a bit older. Now 3.5 years on, i think it's old enough for essential mods...when i saw the group buy Teins thread i said i'm in but i wanted Tanabe...made up my mind and stuck to it. I went from not modding my car (not one thing) to wheels and drop within 3 weeks (the 3rd week was the shipping wait lol). I like to see alot of "said and do", in record time if you know what i mean lol.

hhmmmm.... mature way? no disrespect but thats a crock of sh*t. its thinking like that that separates the way young p plater generation to the current generation. when everyone keeps telling them they can't it no doubt causes them to turn a blind eye to what the older generation think and be the way they are. not all of them, but everyone knows what i mean.

whats up with everyone? we need to cut the kid some slack! he bought the topic up in a mature and sensible way. he clearly stated that he was waiting till his fulls before he would MAYBE get one of these cars but he also said it was unlikely so its not like he's bragging! he'll not only have enough driving experience but also a couple of more years or maturity so he's got just as much right to drive one of these cars as anyone else! hell, i've seen ppl well over 30 who still drive like morons! trust me, i'm a courier so i spend 60+ hours a week on the road and its not the P platers that are the problem regardless of how much the media/law enforcement makes it out to be! its the asians who can't drive (i'm asian so you can't flame me! and i don't mean all of them, you all know the ones i'm talking about!), old ppl who take up more than 1 lane to drive/turn, travel 20kms under the limit forcing ppl to go around them, merging without indicating, failing to give way, etc etc..... when i'm in a rush i just sit behind a p plater at the lights! light goes green and they move immediately because they are paying attention, we travel up to the limit, i look behind and theres no less than 10 car spaces between me and the next car! Than ppl wonder why traffic is so congested!

what does leaving a car stock prove??? i must be missing the point??? that you commited to having a stock car for 3 + years....??

3.5 years and the cars old enough for essential mods? how essential could they be if you waited 3 years!

hhhmmmm....... wheels and a drop within 3 weeks isn't exactly record speed! your post should have said 3years 3 weeks for wheels and a drop!

long story short, it's supposed to a friendly forum and community and we're all here to share a passion for our cars, not shoot ppl down!

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Not meaning to say you can or can't talk about it in the Hitler ways. I meant it from a mature way. 17s and thinking about R35 Evo 10 etc is abit like 18 and joining QSR cruise club. :D

Ok so i have my 250 for 3.5 years now, told myself from day one i leave it stock to when it's a bit older. Now 3.5 years on, i think it's old enough for essential mods...when i saw the group buy Teins thread i said i'm in but i wanted Tanabe...made up my mind and stuck to it. I went from not modding my car (not one thing) to wheels and drop within 3 weeks (the 3rd week was the shipping wait lol). I like to see alot of "said and do", in record time if you know what i mean lol.

hhmmmm.... mature way? no disrespect but thats a crock of sh*t. its thinking like that that separates the way young p plater generation to the current generation. when everyone keeps telling them they can't it no doubt causes them to turn a blind eye to what the older generation think and be the way they are. not all of them, but everyone knows what i mean.

whats up with everyone? we need to cut the kid some slack! he bought the topic up in a mature and sensible way. he clearly stated that he was waiting till his fulls before he would MAYBE get one of these cars but he also said it was unlikely so its not like he's bragging! he'll not only have enough driving experience but also a couple of more years or maturity so he's got just as much right to drive one of these cars as anyone else! hell, i've seen ppl well over 30 who still drive like morons! trust me, i'm a courier so i spend 60+ hours a week on the road and its not the P platers that are the problem regardless of how much the media/law enforcement makes it out to be! its the asians who can't drive (i'm asian so you can't flame me! and i don't mean all of them, you all know the ones i'm talking about!), old ppl who take up more than 1 lane to drive/turn, travel 20kms under the limit forcing ppl to go around them, merging without indicating, failing to give way, etc etc..... when i'm in a rush i just sit behind a p plater at the lights! light goes green and they move immediately because they are paying attention, we travel up to the limit, i look behind and theres no less than 10 car spaces between me and the next car! Than ppl wonder why traffic is so congested!

what does leaving a car stock prove??? i must be missing the point??? that you commited to having a stock car for 3 + years....??

3.5 years and the cars old enough for essential mods? how essential could they be if you waited 3 years!

hhhmmmm....... wheels and a drop within 3 weeks isn't exactly record speed! your post should have said 3years 3 weeks for wheels and a drop!

long story short, it's supposed to a friendly forum and community and we're all here to share a passion for our cars, not shoot ppl down!

+1 well said

did you guys hear the IS350 is coming to aus


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what does leaving a car stock prove??? i must be missing the point??? that you commited to having a stock car for 3 + years....??

3.5 years and the cars old enough for essential mods? how essential could they be if you waited 3 years!

hhhmmmm....... wheels and a drop within 3 weeks isn't exactly record speed! your post should have said 3years 3 weeks for wheels and a drop!

long story short, it's supposed to a friendly forum and community and we're all here to share a passion for our cars, not shoot ppl down!

Why would it be 3.5 years when i only decide and do it in 2 weeks? When did you buy your car and have first thought about what mods you would get, and how long did it eventuated? This is what i mean.

When anyone decides to do this and that, and say it, then they should do it...otherwise all talk no action and i know you agree on that.

Not having a go with k2sty1 for being young, when i was 17 y.o i dont talk like him, my first car was a civic, bought it and have wheels and drop within 1 week (which was when i still have pocket money from my parents, and my parents were poor)...no indecisions, not dreaming about anything...just do it with whatever money i had at the time. No point in talking about BMW or Merc when all i had was enough to buy a civic.

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As for the forum and communitty, i dont see much happening other than me and k2sty1 whoring and bitching....this is between me and him really. If anyone want to join in on the madness, please do so, but know the boundaries as i'm sure he and i do.

Want me to stop, i will. But i don't see how being passive or not posting...helps the forum grow.

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I dont just do it for the simple fact that i want to do research and get the right thing and make sure its perfect. i cant stand spending heaps of money and it not be perfect..... im a perfectionist i cant decide and do. especially when alot of money involved

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As for the forum and communitty, i dont see much happening other than me and k2sty1 whoring and bitching....this is between me and him really. If anyone want to join in on the madness, please do so, but know the boundaries as i'm sure he and i do.

Want me to stop, i will. But i don't see how being passive or not posting...jokingly or not helps the forum grow.

forum dead anyways.

did you guys hear they are bringing IS350 to aus!!

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Why would it be 3.5 years when i only decide and do it in 2 weeks? When did you buy your car and have first thought about what mods you would get, and how long did it eventuated? This is what i mean.

When anyone decides to do this and that, and say it, then they should do it...otherwise all talk no action and i know you agree on that.

Not having a go with k2sty1 for being young, when i was 17 y.o i dont talk like him, my first car was a civic, bought it and have wheels and drop within 1 week (which was when i still have pocket money from my parents, and my parents were poor)...no indecisions, not dreaming about anything...just do it with whatever money i had at the time. No point in talking about BMW or Merc when all i had was enough to buy a civic.

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Awesome car by the sounds of things. although i dont think people will pay (IMO). people will, but i dont think there will be a flood of them.

I wish i could afford one but the only one ill be getting is a pre thrashed . . . i mean pre loved. (at the moment. and there are none of them at the moment)

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thanks cevu

i was just getting some ideas for some mods that i could do

as i've already said, ive never done any modifying to a car before, so i dont know where to begin

i dont know where to get em done, or anything

im gonna call up some places AFTER i get my P's (on tuesday) get some quotes and then decide what to do

im sorry if i was causing trouble with the forum and asking old questions, but i did check all the way back on this forum and the clublexus forum as well, so i wouldn't be asking questions that had been asked before and answered a million times

but i really thought this place had a "community" type feeling, and i hope it keeps it up, but not really enough members to keep it going IMO



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Awesome car by the sounds of things. although i dont think people will pay (IMO). people will, but i dont think there will be a flood of them.

I wish i could afford one but the only one ill be getting is a pre thrashed . . . i mean pre loved. (at the moment. and there are none of them at the moment)

at a 10K premium its very reasonable but for those of us who already have a 250 its a big jump! for example my car is worth about 40K give or take and a equivalent 350 when its released should be about 85ish. thats double my current car for something that is too similiar. i mean, i will get usb/ipod from what i've been told as well as the 350 running gear but it's really not enough to justify the GAP! if i didn't have a 250 than for sure, i'd be all over it, but atm as much as i want it i just cant get my head around the GAP in price. Also, i think that prestiges now also CAN NOT get ML! Don't really want a SL just for ML!

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Also, i think that prestiges now also CAN NOT get ML! Don't really want a SL just for ML!

Simple........get the F-Sport....

And I think people need to look up the definition of "Forum"

a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.

b. A public meeting place for open discussion.

c. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas.

I think both Kristy(jokes) & IDC are allowed to write what they want as it is a forum. As long as they're not abusive.

If k2sty1 wants to talk cr@P about what car he may or may not get when he gets off his P's (that he doesn't have yet), then he's allowed to. It's kinda entertaining.

And if IDC wants to pull him up on it then he's allowed to as well. Also entertaining.

Its a forum.

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Also, i think that prestiges now also CAN NOT get ML! Don't really want a SL just for ML!

Simple........get the F-Sport....

And I think people need to look up the definition of "Forum"

a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.

b. A public meeting place for open discussion.

c. A medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas.

I think both Kristy(jokes) & IDC are allowed to write what they want as it is a forum. As long as they're not abusive.

If k2sty1 wants to talk cr@P about what car he may or may not get when he gets off his P's (that he doesn't have yet), then he's allowed to. It's kinda entertaining.

And if IDC wants to pull him up on it then he's allowed to as well. Also entertaining.

Its a forum.

i'm gonna' leave the issue alone now! NO COMMENT!!!

an f-sport one with no ACTUAL f-sport running gear seems lame! imo of course! seats and steering wheel from IS-F just don't cut it!

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Just a quick question for you guys...

What would you personally go for and why? A 2010 update IS250 F-Sport with sunroof for around 72-74k, or a 2010 update IS350 Prestige with EMV/sunroof for around 80k?

I'm thinking about resale value and plan to own it for some period of time (3-5yrs), I also don't mind a bit of power but at the same time I love the look of the new F-Sport (especially with those hot shadow chrome rims).

Edit: also, sorry to sound like a n00b.. but what's ML mentioned above stand for?

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I would go for the IS350 for sure - the stuff that comes with the F-Sport (which aren't really F-Sport accessories; they're just bits from the ISF and the old sports package) are nice, but I prefer the added power. :D

If you really want the rims, you could always buy the 350 and the rims - or you can get the 350 with the sport package (assuming there is one)

If power doesn't matter, just go for the 250.

ML stands for Mark Levinson - its the upgraded sound system.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your prompt reply Terrry. I'm leaning towards the 350 at the moment.

The ML system sounds nice! Do you know if the current prestige with the EMV package gets the ML system?

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or you can get the 350 with the sport package (assuming there is one)

The IS350 model line will be as follows:

Prestige: EMV standard, Sunroof optional


Sports Luxury.

Howiefied, as far as I know only the F-Sport & Sports Luxury get ML Audio.

I've actually seen the IS350 F-Sport....very tasty. Love the new wheels & the front spoiler. The F-Sport steering wheel & external badging also looks good.

Frank X has seen some photos of it and seemed pretty impressed.

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Ah thanks for the info. Shame that only the f-sport 350 gets the ML, I can't really justify the added 8k for that package at the moment.

I might have seen the same photos, that's the one going around lexus's offices at the moment? I believe it outline some changes for the august production like removal of passenger seat memory features on luxury, removal of rear blinds on luxury, I believe HID is now an option on prestige 250 and standard on prestige 350, all i can remember for now.

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Howiefied, as far as I know only the F-Sport & Sports Luxury get ML Audio.

Hey DLS.. i just did a quick search on carsales, and noticed quite a few prestige's with the EMV pack have the ML Audio system.


Is that right? Or did they remove the speakers from the EMV package in 2010?

Sorry for asking all these questions here, but my dealer wasn't of my help to me on this matter.

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Howiefied, as far as I know only the F-Sport & Sports Luxury get ML Audio.

Hey DLS.. i just did a quick search on carsales, and noticed quite a few prestige's with the EMV pack have the ML Audio system.


Is that right? Or did they remove the speakers from the EMV package in 2010?

Sorry for asking all these questions here, but my dealer wasn't of my help to me on this matter.

ML was removed from prestige line in the facelift in 09 i think!

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Just a quick question for you guys...

What would you personally go for and why? A 2010 update IS250 F-Sport with sunroof for around 72-74k, or a 2010 update IS350 Prestige with EMV/sunroof for around 80k?

I'm thinking about resale value and plan to own it for some period of time (3-5yrs), I also don't mind a bit of power but at the same time I love the look of the new F-Sport (especially with those hot shadow chrome rims).

Edit: also, sorry to sound like a n00b.. but what's ML mentioned above stand for?

is350 all the way! too hard to add the 3.5L engine and running gear but everything else u can add on as a mod some stage in the future!

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