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Hi everyone

07 IS250 Sports Lux

Is anyone else REALLY annoyed with the copious amounts of brake dust? Any recomendations on 1. how to keep my wheels cleaner and 2. which brand of brakes to get next time - there is NO WAY I will get Lexus brakes again


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This has been such an annoyance that Lexus USA have issued an information bulletin (TSIB) and replacement brake pads. Apparently braking performance is not quite as good but the dust issue has practically been eliminated. UNFORTUNATELY, Lexus Australia aren't able to do the same. I have checked this with my dealer. They are annoyed at the issue, and have had numerous owners asking for a fix, but unfortunately nothing can be done about it in Australia. The excellent braking performance of the is250 is one of the reasons that there is such a high level of brakes dust. A higher performance pad usually results in more brake dust.

All I do to get rid of the brake dust is to get either some paper towel or preferably a piece of clean rag and manually wipe it off. I probably do that once a fortnight - do not leave it too long, otherwise it becomes quite stubborn. I wouldn't waste my time on those expensive alloy spray on cleaners - $20, and its not much better than soapy water. I find a wet clean a bit too messy and the black residue is wonderful for staining everything it comes into contact with!!

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I haven't tried it myself, but I was thinking if you were to wax the rims as well - Would that help the brake dust not sticking as much to the actual rim?

I might give it a go next time I wash the car. I too hate seeing my wheel black just after 2 days of driving after a wash :angry:

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The standard ones are high friction pads designed for regular high speed braking (i.e 180+km/h)

Doubt many of us are able to get those kind of speeds regularly enough to need these kinds of pads.

All you need to look for is any good ceramic pads, some advertise 'low dust' and designed for Australian roads, there both good.

I was going to call Melb City Lexus to see if they would swap them over for me but now that you say you asked.. i duno.

I might try give it a go anyway.



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The standard ones are high friction pads designed for regular high speed braking (i.e 180+km/h)

Doubt many of us are able to get those kind of speeds regularly enough to need these kinds of pads.

All you need to look for is any good ceramic pads, some advertise 'low dust' and designed for Australian roads, there both good.

I was going to call Melb City Lexus to see if they would swap them over for me but now that you say you asked.. i duno.

I might try give it a go anyway.


Unfortunately that is an American TSIB and has no validity in Aus, I've tried. I'll be looking for less dust from my next pads. but until then will continue to clean off with the regular wash each week or two and using a dry cloth when it gets bad in between washes. :huh:

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The brake dust was one of the reasons I went for the slightly darker metallic coloured rims on my IS. And I'd never let 2 weeks pass without getting the car and wheels washed properly.

The asbestos type pads we had in the old days seemed to create less dust. Do you think that Lexus would consider a request to have them reinstated? :mellow:

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Asbestos has been banned since 2003-2004 by legislation... it is a known carcinogen

The brakes have a lot of carbon content because these pads are the same pads used in Europe where brakes need to perform at a certain level in sub zero conditions. Yes they are high performance pads but these pads have the same properties you'll find on any European spec'ed vehicles.

Yes it's annoying but put it this way, which would you rather? Better braking performance or clean wheels?

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Asbestos has been banned since 2003-2004 by legislation... it is a known carcinogen

The brakes have a lot of carbon content because these pads are the same pads used in Europe where brakes need to perform at a certain level in sub zero conditions. Yes they are high performance pads but these pads have the same properties you'll find on any European spec'ed vehicles.

Yes it's annoying but put it this way, which would you rather? Better braking performance or clean wheels?

Not true.. search around in some american IS250 forums.. the majority of them said they noticed little or no difference in braking

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If brake pads made a very big difference in stopping power, why wouldn't people get high performance pads instead of upgrading their brakes?

As long as the pads can provide adequate friction, which all new brake pads do, its all up to the calipers themselves.

Who is going to be driving fast enough on Australian roads to warrant the small percent of extra stopping power these high performance brakes offer?

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Well I guess that settles it then. Bring back the asbestos brakes. Same stopping power, less brake dust, and as far as carcinogens are concerned, I promise I won't stick my nose or mouth against the brake calipers whilst I'm hitting the brakes.

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Well I guess that settles it then. Bring back the asbestos brakes. Same stopping power, less brake dust, and as far as carcinogens are concerned, I promise I won't stick my nose or mouth against the brake calipers whilst I'm hitting the brakes.


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Yesterday I wiped as much dust off as I could with paper towel and then hit the wheels with the kartcher.

Then came clean beautifully!!

Now if only I could drive without braking...................................

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Yesterday I wiped as much dust off as I could with paper towel and then hit the wheels with the kartcher.

Then came clean beautifully!!

Now if only I could drive without braking...................................

haha occasionally i engine brake with the tiptronic after ive washed it. i get very paranoid lol!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Upgrading to the multi-spoked 18" lexus rims makes cleaning off all the brake dust even more fun. :) The brake dust seemingly goes all the way down the side of the car, a simple wipe on the front panel under the indicator usually reveals just how much dust builds up from the front brake pads.

Agree with the paranoia though, often do the same engine braking just because I don't want to touch the brakes!

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As i've owned my car less than 2 weeks, i've been cleaning my wheels once every 3-4 days. Built up brake dusts can be very difficult to remove if left for a long period. I use Meguiars Non-acid Wheel cleaner... spray on rims and leave for 30-60 secs followed by kartcher high pressure wash. The wheel cleaner works very well IMO! Oh yes, wipe dry with microfibre cloth and voila, your rims are reborned!

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