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I know it's a little off the IS250 topic, but...





CT200H - Lexus Au Website

Not sure how long this has on the Lexus AU website; but I stumbled across it tonight and from first look; I don't like it. For many reasons...

- Front Wheel Drive - ahh duh. Massive backward step and puts the BMW 1 series even further ahead in the compact car market.

- Wheels. They look like the the current IS Sports Luxury that have been around for years. They could have seriously raised the bar here... but no. Easy fix though - non standard.

- Rear end design. Looks like a mini van. Not a fan; but the rest of the design is quite nice.

- Interior / dash.

Sure, I'm an IS driver and I love my car; but you won't see me step into this from my IS. May just have to wait till the 2012 IS.

I know it sounds like i'm quite negative, but I would seriously consider buying a Lexus Hybrid given things were stepping in the right direction. I feel that not all is the case with the new CT200H.

Available within 12 months.

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dont like it, period

looks like a mini van, like the hatchback 1 series

the front looks hectic tho, but the rear is kinda meh~

and wheres the exhaust?

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Heavily 'photo-shopped' images, so a little bit hard to tell. Exterior styling just looks like "yet another Jap-hatch", and FWD - that's just laziness on Lexus's part. I believe the excuse is because it was too hard (or expensive) to change the Prius hybrid drivetrain from a FWD to RWD.

I really don't like driving FWD cars, (always owned RWD or 4WD) so it's almost written it off for me. When Id heard about the Lexus hatch, I thought it might've been an AWD or RWD and that would have me interested, but FWD - nope.

Mind you, the interior looks nice, but you can see they're trying to make it look European, especially the 'mirror to mirror' straight lines across the dash - very BMW and very Audi, as well as the elevated nav-screen - looks like BMW's iDrive. But to the opposite of that, is what i love about the IS250 interior - elegant in its simplicity. The European sedans usually over-complicate their interiors.

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FWD Lexus?

might as well rebadge it as a toyota now

Are you forgetting the ES300 that quickly?

Anyway, this is just a Corolla with a new coat of paint :lol:

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After a few days of posting and looking at the images; I still can't get my head around that this would come from Lexus. It's weak and I think they've rushed into getting this in the market to compete with BMW & VW compact markets. From this, I think the VW will still win hands down.

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The FWD is a step backwards for Lexus on this one.

The navigation looks like it's the one from the RX which uses that track ball like to control - Similar to the I-drive in BMW.

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FWD Lexus?

might as well rebadge it as a toyota now


I like the dash though .. looks complicated .. definitly like :P

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The navigation looks like it's the one from the RX which uses that track ball like to control - Similar to the I-drive in BMW.

Yes it is the Lexus remote touch like the RX....and its more like a mouse than a trackball.

Its nothing like iDrive....it works lol

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I just got a brochure for this car.

I was anti at first but the more I find out about it the more bits I find I like. There are bits that this car has that are lacking in the current IS.....next gen IS should be great going by this car.

Love the stitched leather console & dash in the CT200h. Only LS600hL also has this.

Dash background is blue when being eco & red when being sporty.

I've also got an LF-A brochure and a hard cover book on the LF-A that is detailed. I'll bring them to the next meet if anyone's interested in having a look as they aren't available from dealerships yet.

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If it's hard leather, that would be one lol

Don't like soft leather in the IS. Prefer the Euro Accord leather.

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It's a Hybrid la, no need for RWD...no need for HP or anything like that lol

No need for RWD???? U kidding! That's what makes the Lexus brand stand out amongst the others. It's not only about power, but corner handling and in the wet. I hate FWD; but each to their own ay.

I'll still be keen on the next gen IS. Bring it on!

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I mean if i were in the market to get one of these, i would get it for the fuel economy more than anything else.

I drive 80 km/hr on M5 so what does that say lol.

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lol, yeh its a hybrid, so FWD makes sense, but then again its a lexus, so RWD makes sense, lol

but i guess if your in the market for a eco car, then you dont really care bout performance

you'd have a IS-F for that, XD

i mean, just buy a IS-F, and then a CT200H, so you can kinda "feel" better bout driving a 5.0 V8, lol

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