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Everything posted by ilv1004s

  1. Marvin always is ill see what i can do for u buddy sine your coming all th way from QLD
  2. ah very nice choice of colour combo once again welcome the forums
  3. it is suppose to be sealed for life but iv drained and changed the whole tranny fluid on my ISF the whole thing takes around 2 cans of AT fluid yes it does make a difference
  4. most dealers will be not willing to look after the car if they are not familiar with it sad but true story
  5. its sports luxury there is no EMV package on the SL SL is highest spec
  6. Vincent has Project Mu pads and hes complaining about excessive sqeels
  7. good to see another 2IS 350 owner we have a club gathering on in first week of december! make sure you attend
  8. the HKS system brings out a bit of Domestic V8 noise very Muscle carish noise
  9. Good to see another 3IS owner on board!!
  10. yes it compatible with the IS250 and no u cant watch DVD's whlie u drive its a factory safety setting you can get rid of it but iv never done it to any of my NAV units
  11. the last nav unit i have is going for 800 bucks and it's off an ISF let me know if your intrested
  12. or you can get a 2nd hand nav unit and swap it over iv done it for number of members 1 nav unit left if your intrested
  13. probably just better to make a mid pipe section
  14. Yeah full system is around the 4k mark I recon it sounds awsome Complete opposite to my exhaust
  15. Mine does that alot now days Doesnt really bother me Iv been meaning to fix up this issue but iv just been lazy Try using anti squeel lubricants on the brakes
  16. FUUU very nice Blacky the price is up there with the NOVEL exhaust and Greddy Ti system around the 4K mark i believe
  17. moved to the correct section
  18. Also if your isf is my11+ then bcs wont much difference other than height
  19. I guess depends what you define as good For comfort yes they are far more comfortable Handling there is improvement but not significant
  20. please use the search function http://au.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/8365-the-is250-suspension-thread/
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