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Everything posted by ldc

  1. http://editorial.carsales.com.au/car-review/2911961.aspx I want to see the IS range as well, IS-F by LRD woot.
  2. Staggered wheels means you cannot rotate and to me that's a negative. Look good as they may be but yeh expense to own. The only downside to 19s is that you might not get the width you want, cos the front will rub.
  3. There isnt much difference between 17s and 18s, i'd just save the money and get 19s. Anyone know how much the Aurion TRD 19s go for :)
  4. Yeh i saw what they offer on the Lexus site. One of the features i love in the Euro was it's HIDs, and to some extent their leather. Likei said there is always the aftermarket HID kit which isnt that hard to bolt on. For me i rather get 19s and lower the car abit....
  5. What about an aftermarket HID kit, it's around $350 i heard? Best to get the info you want off the horses mouth....and yeh HIDs are cool.
  6. i've seen the Prestige with a few non-prestige accessories so i would say you could. why did u just wanted the HIDs? I'd go the Sports level, that way you don't have to worry about being overcharged. Anyway, if you get the 08 model, you neednt worry about no rattles as they would have addressed these i'm sure.
  7. I havent had the chance to go to the dealers yet, have had two appointment cancellation due to work. I was thinking of going to Repco, do they have and sell oem paint?
  8. i've driving a 02/08 and yep they lock :) As for the pockets, it's now "curtain" type with elastic at the mouth right?
  9. From my last conversation with my insurer NRMA, they told me that i can go 1" up from the largest offerring on my car. This means if the placard has 16,17,18 inches, then the largest offerring means 18s. So 19s would be ok. The only other question is the width of the rims, one would think 1" wider also.
  10. Can you give details as to how it's done, cos i want to attempt it before going to the dealers.
  11. Not too sure about that, i had a loaner and it had only 250Km on it and it had already got rattles. Not that i think these are major setbacks. I haven't really looked into the rear pockets...never have been a passenger in my car lol.
  12. Hmm interesting to know about the rear being more roomier. The auto lock on take-off is nice. Glad to hear about them fiing the rattlesness.
  13. I don't think they supply me with a sample. I suppose i have to go and get one somewhere.
  14. Does anyone know where to get touchup paint for the IS? I'd imagine the Dealers would have some but yeh, how much do they go for? There is a chip just under the fender that i need to touchup before too long.
  15. As much as i hate to say this, but it's the buyer's world not seller's when it comes to selling your car. Some people may just want the basics in the car (ie sunroof, A/C etc) and couldnt care less about the accessories. These people just wanted the experience of owning the car and nothing else. Others who are more pedantic would want more so they might pay extra for the accessories but these type of people are bargainers and will be hard to sell to. At the end of the day, it's all about the buyer, who they are and what they are looking for.
  16. lol with the interest rates *BLEEP*ting on all things debt currently, you'll be given the money to spend rather than earning it if you do spend that much.
  17. People say you arent suppose to go over a certain Rev during this period.
  18. If anyone looking to part with their 18s wheels, let me know and i might take them off you :)
  19. WTF? 2 days to think about $2K discount on their 10-15K profit? More like 2 seconds, not 2 days. I would have said to them, "Wrong price dude!" and hang up.
  20. I got the Prestige and now that people say the SAT NAT are very limited, i am glad i didnt get the Luxury models. 25K premium over the Prestige is not something im willing to pay even though it's got a few other goodies too.
  21. I would have thought the Luxury models has this? Is yours the Luxury model?
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