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Everything posted by ProjectIS

  1. Just to re-enforce Bluey's comment, this is the rubber I roll on at the moment. Goodyear F1's. With the Eagle F1's, the tread runs uninterrupted from shoulder to shoulder.In both straight driving and cornering, there is always a very large contact area on the road. Unfortunately, as a result, the road noise is significantly louder. Do I personally care, nah, thats a trade off im willing to make for a good quality tyre. By the way, Tyre Rack rated them 9/10 even with the greater then normal road noise. I will definately look @ getting them again when I get the 19's. (I know QQQ thought the same about the noise when he ran these!)
  2. Hey Natroth, Im due to get my car done and like Naz, my cars not black, but obviously not white either. I might give them a go!! Does anyone have a good detailer where i can get my stone chips fixed?? I do remember Art mentioning a place!! JML, keep us all posted with the paint protection......I am curious to see how well it worked!!! You don't drive up or down the M2 by any chance do you??? You will really put your paint protection through its paces then!!!
  3. Hi JML, Nice colour choice!!! I couldn't of chosen a nicer colour myself!!!HAHAHA They have made a change with the alloys on the 09 model. I like!!! Nice ride JML!!! ;) Can't wait to see the gfx kit on!! Have you found a place to put it on for you, or are you going to do it yourself?? You should post your pics up in the Gallery section. Come on fellas, get some pics posted!!
  4. Hi mate, Never have filled with anything other then the later. I would be very suprised to find a servo that didn't have a higher octane fuel @ their pumps so....... although I don't think you would find a significant issue if you did, I don't think that you would find yourself in a position that you had to! ;)
  5. Agree!! They just need to change their bias away from the euro cars a bit!! The IS-F & hopefully "maybe's" like the LF-A will help achieve this! Lexus have definately started their intro into this world well!! As for your mention of the of the IS-F / IS250 simularities, besides the bonnet, the brake rotors kinda make a distinct difference for me!! Thats what the IS250 kinda lacks......decent brake rotors/calipers!!!! I assume the 350 has the same weakness!
  6. Hi LDC, I was quite suprised to see that the instrument cluster noise was pretty common. A fair few guys in the states have mentioned it. The fact that the dealership has offered to replace it suggests that it may be a known fault. No official bulletin though! As for the steering column, most common noise associated with it originates from the steering lock. Which model IS have you got?? Prestige or S/Lux?
  7. Congrats on the purchase JML !! You guys will love it!! JML, Here is the GFX kit installed as ref..... Damn nice kit!. Not sure how just the rear will look without the skirts! Not sure how you will purchase just the rear to replace it. Have you tried? What was your intention?? Will you try to source the replacement rear to compliment the rest of the kit?? Have you considered selling the entire kit if you are unable to source just the rear??
  8. SORRY, I REALLY GOT THE IS-F BUG @ the moment!!! :D ANYWAY, SOME COOL ADVERTISING!! Turn ya speakers up and feel the flow !!!! Very nice!!!! ;) Cool advertising for the IS-F, chk this link out!!
  9. Hey guys, I know that this topic is done & dusted, but still................... i did find the need to add the lap times from the show!!! Again, as pointed out by my fellow members, not a bad showing considering the fact that its the first time in the arena!! And when you look at the price.............................!!! What can I say!! Yes the 350 would be a nice "In between"so to speak, but we can't take anything away from the highend!!! IS-F lol!! Gotta get one!!! Anyway, interesting reading for those that haven't seen the times as yet!!! TOPGEAR LAP TIMES, HOW DID THE IS-F COMPARE!! CHECK THIS LINK OUT!
  10. Hi mate, Nice coilovers from what I have read! Endless have some nice gear full stop!! But........................., damn expensive!! Also, don't think that you will find too many guys with them on as we are really talking about a setup that you would really only justify for the track. I think overkill for the everyday driver. Also, did you purchase yours from a local distributor in Australia!! I think the biggest problem is... 1) Where to source locally? 2 )Where to service or warrant local? I spoke to Ilv when he got his Teins on, great drop but a little stiff. Must say, from what i have read, if you going to go for a spring on the IS, the Teins or the Eibachs are the way to go!!
  11. Say what???????????????????? Wikipedia struggled to tell me what u are talking about!!!!
  12. Hey guys...... I made a mention about the KSport range in the suspension topic I posted earlier. Needless to say, I had no replies!!! So.......... I have done some research elsewhere and thus far found out that they have a decent stance in the market place. Unfortunately, I do know people that have their product, but no one that has a Lexus. I personally have been "put off" from buying overseas. Out of principal, I cannot justify paying more for Freight then the actual item price,hence I look for local alternatives. I was told about this mob in Brookvale that stock the Ksport range. Check it out. They stock HIDs, brakes, suspension etc. I am waiting on some info/pricing from them. I will keep anyone interested posted. Perhaps, if we buy in numbers, we can get discounts. Only an idea, lets see how we go! Again, the product does look good as far as I can see thus far. Brookvale supplier
  13. Hi Tim, Thats worked out from the speed zones that you set. eg. 60km/h on a normal rd, 110km/h on the freeway etc. If you fiddle with those speeds in the MENU/SETUP, thats where you can compensate if you wanted. Also, if you have changed your wheels of late of non oem ride dia's, you can also perform a calibrate to ensure that the distance travelled/speed is acc. Hope this helps. How far out do you think it is??
  14. Hi Tim, The toolkit pouch is in the boot under the false floor. Let me know if you can't find it and i will be more descriptive!!
  15. Hey mate, There wasn't much to it. The pics that I added are basically the main bits to be considerd. After grinding the metal threaded studds off, and cutting the plastic clips off, he stuck adhesive sponge on over where the studs were inorder to fully prevent it from touching the paintwork. He then put a heap of D/S tape on to make sure that it stuck on well.(in a nut shell)!! Look, I will dig up the page again and post the link up soon.
  16. Hey guys, Does anyone know anything about this mob??? Yeh I know, not one of the big names that we know and trust........ But they are so damn cheap!!! Their coilovers are about Au$1300. and shipping is about Au$250. Last time I researched the Tein's, from memory they were over $2G's Are they a super budget mob and forget about it, or are they worth while considering?? Hmmm KSport
  17. OK, for all you Work Variaza fans like me, this is what I am shooting for with my ride!!! (Minus the tow hook that is)!! Props to this guy, awesome ride!!! :D Tell me it's not HOT!! And Ilv, what do you think of the photography!! Cool back drop hey!!
  18. Hi Natroth, I would be pretty sure that it would come with the different sized grommets thus fitment would be straight forward. As you can see with the pic below, this guy has gone with one of the knobs from the range and I assume too easy. Im hoping to get mine this week. Will let you know if hassles!
  19. Thats what I said!!!!Not bad for a stab at it hey!! And you didn't believe me!!! All good!! :D
  20. Wally, Not sure where you live, but you can buy online - Momo/Autotek Australian online Website ;)
  21. Black IS,chrome alloys, dark tint driving down Windsor Rd @ Northmead. Right next to him, a brown IS!!
  22. How cool are these for an oem replacement!!! What do y'all think? Personally I really don't like the oem one we got at the moment, and I thought these were perfect as they still had the reflective top for the overhead LED! This is probably my fav. About $157.00 straight from the source and yes, local in Aus!!! Wooo Hooo!! Quite unique!! This one was on a car that I found in the states. He had the CF overlays and I have to say, looked pretty neat and original!!
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