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Everything posted by ProjectIS

  1. Hi Stevlee, I am not 100% sure but I dare say that they didn't hit our shores!!! I have never, ever , ever seen one around the streets of Sydney or in any part of Australia that I have been to!!! Sorry mate, hope this helps with your decision! Do you know if there are common part that are used in the traditional IS300?? Obviously the drive train and chassis would differ, but what about the higher frequency parts?!
  2. What does an absolutely stupid council idea for curb placement and my two passenger side wheels have in common???? ANSWER.......(can you notice the slight defect)??? Perhaps easier seen in this pic!!! Its really not that bad!!! Look, yeh I was pisS%ed!! I guess at myself, but more so at the council. Not only did this thing stick out about 2m into the road way, dirt and grass covered the reflectors that help make this thing stand out. For anyone that has driven around Botany and seen how some of these container trucks drive, I don't think anyone would blame me for keeping more so to the left! (Damn nice place for a photoshoot though)!!! Anyway fella's, they were always a temporary setup, I guess its time to do some more wheel shopping !!! And you don't know how glad I was that there was not a hint of damage to the car. Wheel alignment verified all was good!!! Cevu, see what you started mate!!!! HAHAH!!! By the way, where are all your cars??? Cevu, they still got yours mate!??! Art, hope nothing serious with yours!! They say sh#t happens in 3's, I hope not here!!!
  3. Hey B, So I see that you made the "Drop it like its Hot" thread. Good to see someone from Australia representing!!! Yeah, lets face it, CL is still the "mods bible". I think we all started our research there. Have you found a way around the crazy freight prices from the US. I too would dearly love to get my hands on coilovers. I am torn between the tanabe and the Teins. (& I guess the 2k plus price tag that goes with it!!) Did u opt for the elect damper control aswell with the Tanabes?? Sooo, again, if anyone has a mad hook up, let us all know!! ;) (or atleast me)!!!
  4. What would be pretty cool is if the other states were to have a meet as well. I remember some of the guys from Victoria were interested in having one a while ago. From memory, guys like Perks and Niick had mentioned it. We could post up photos taken @ meets around Aus!! ;)
  5. Hey mate, I was going to say that the off-set on the rears looks perfect but when I went to check out the closer shots in ya earlier post, the pics are goooonnnneeee!!! Whats doing lol?!?!? Again mate, you have done well. Very neat!!! Do you gets much scrubbing @ the fronts?? Im assuming at that height you would! (Damn I love the look that you achieve with coilovers)!!!
  6. Great to see guys!!! Yeah I knew I could count on alot of U guys to be in!!! Looks like we are up for an awesome turn out!! Keep posting ya interest fellas!!! Naz, thats what I was thinking too. + great photo opp if we get a nice summers arvo!! Will do!! Noooooooooooooohh!!! Raoul, you can't still be rolling on the stockers!!! Just kidding mate!! Haha! It would be great to hook up again mate! ;)
  7. Around Parramatta/ Baulkham Hills! Riding low and definately sounded quite crisp from the exhaust!!!
  8. Hey Chris, Which state are you from? There is a damn nice 200 around my area that I see every so often. Looks alot like yours from what I can see. Sounds damn nice too!
  9. Hi Lex51s, What error do you see on the screen when hit the members link??
  10. All you new members, Come on guys, add ya names to the register !!!! ;)
  11. Hey all, Ilv', when are you back in the country mate??? I think that we are overdue a meet!!!! Especially whilst summer is still upon us and there are so many new members...... Cevu, you in?? Art, Franky, QQQ, Raoul, Naz & all you Sydney folk, are you guys in?? (Sorry to all the other Sydney members, so many to mention, where do I stop)!!! ;)
  12. Hey LDC, Yeh, I don't think you can put a "distance" type figure on replacement. I don't even think you can put a time on it either. It all comes down to the pressure in side your system. You may have heard that its a good idea to switch your A/C on every so often. Even the colder months. Thats due to the compressor seals. Obviously as soon as compressor is unable pressurize the refridgerant gas,(not enough gas), it will no longer work as efficiently! Anyway, thats my basic knowledge......so......don't think there is a straight forward answer to your question. You might have to get some guages put on to check the pressure!!! Later!!!
  13. Hi Chris, Welcome to the forum! Just an idea, why don't you start a topic where each of the IS200/300 members declare which state they are from.(Specific to the IS200/300 and current)! Definately makes it easier when organising a cruise or meet!
  14. Hey B_390_LU, or anyone else with the Tanabe Sustec coilovers! How do y'all rate them?? Did you guys source locally or from O/S??
  15. Hi B_390_LU, First of all, welcome and thanks for adding pics of your ride. Very,very nice!!! ;) Must say, I love the IS-f cal's and rotors! Have you had them long?? How did you go sourcing them and what was it like getting them here?? Try and stay active on this forum hey! Looks like you got alot to contribute!! Well done on the ride again!!
  16. Hey Cevu, First and foremost, welcome back mate!!! 2 weeks away from the forum is just not on!! HAHA!! I can understand your pain. I was in a mates 911 a while ago and the turbo decided to s#%t its self!! Perfect opportunity like you say for all to have a laugh! So by saying "locked up" did it literally lock up on you or did the steering just free wheel??
  17. Nice work Korvan! I guess if anyone was going to do it, it was going to be you! Did you say that you followed some instruction or did you just work it out yourself? Well done again mate & please do post your findings. I do have friends thats would love to know!!
  18. Hi Taniner, No real trick, just really "fiddleeeyyy"!I had a play around with this a while ago when I was starting to investigate a "removable P/J method" for this hack. Are you feeling the tabs almost click as you bias them down/in?? What are you using to lever the frame out?? I used a plastic drawer divider that was about 1.5mm thick. I "sharpened" the leading edge so that it could slip in quite easily yet still was a little rigid. I must admit, it did feel as if it were going to fatigue a bit so I ensured that I put more pressure on the dash in order to get a better bite. Let us know if you still have hassles.
  19. Agree! Hence the IS-F and even the IS350 were released. But.........the reason coilovers were even mentioned, was due to the ability to have the flexibility when it came to ride heights etc. Put quite simply, I can't find a (manufactured /non-modified) spring with the appropriate drop and spring rate that I am after. I am not after a track car, I just want to achieve a unique look for my car. And......I would assume that alot of the members on this forum are out to do the same! Yes, speaking for myself, I know that Im not going to get the performance that I want for the track from a 2.5L non turbo, but I knew that when I bought this car! Many of the guys I know that have modified their cars generally keep the oem gear. They generally put them back on the car when it came time to sell. Just a thought, perhaps its not only the "bored north shore housewife" that wants a used IS250. I know a lot of my friends that would love to buy my car, "modded", but can't afford to buy brand new! I guess you could do the same if you put the Tanabe coilovers on your car. Keep the oems.
  20. Actually, the IS-F was released to the Japanese market place late 2007 and then released in the US early 2008 so.........valid question! I would say that FrankyX had asked this because the IS-F boot spoiler actually is more involved to install as mentioned earlier in this topic. Threaded studs need to be cut and different methods trialled in order to get a satisfactory result. The IS-X (oem or 3rd party is a D/S tape install).
  21. Well done mate, They look great and you bought them from a local supplier. Thanks for chasing up this supplier! I hope to check out your install job at the next meet! Are you able to post a pic of where you mounted these small ballasts? Again, nice work!
  22. Hey FrankyX, Would look alright against your black. But........... not really my cup of tea. I think a little bit too much "bling"!! To be honest, I can picture it on a Hyundai luxury model. (if there is such a thing)! IMO, it will cheapen the Lexus. If I were to rate it against the grills below,Hmmmmm, not sure! I guess they all play their role. ie. Do you want the "mean" look, or the "VIP" or I even the" Luxury saloon" look. I guess @ the end of the day, it's personal opinion! (and no, im not fence sitting)!!!
  23. Hi Franky, How did you go?? Im with you! We can only benefit by finding local suppliers!! Which config did you opt for???
  24. Hi Will, Welcome mate!!! Sorry that I / we haven't noticed your introduction. Very nice and tidy ES300. Will you be trying to keep it original?? I guess if you want your thread to become more active, try to drum up some support!! The IS250 section still is up and down but all the fella's are trying. We are obviously nothing like the US forums, (we are a small market)!! I will keep an eye out mate!!! Welcome again! ;)
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